Anyone who likes to hike outdoors and who doesn't mind walking at a toddler's pace is invited to this hike around Bayview Hill on Sunday June 17th, 10 am to 12 noon. Free, easy, and probably in a park that most San Franciscans haven't explored.
Bayview Hill Hike

We’ll meet between
9:45 and 10 o’clock at the end of
Key Avenue, where a fire road begins and the regular street ends. There is a gate, which is easy to walk around, even with a stroller. Parking is fine and the Third Street light-rail stops a couple of blocks away.
We start walking at 10:15; hanging with toddlers is like herding cats. You can always catch up if you run late. My intention is to be
back where we started by noon, but you know how things can go with kids.

Key Avenue's fire road goes
uphill for about a quarter mile. It's steep but accessible, and the view is instantaneous. We'll pass a marshy swale where willows grow, and along the way identify the invasive plants (including edibles like wild radish and mustard) and natives like coyote brush.

At the top of Bayview is a
one-mile loop on flat ground, great for walking, running, and strolling. We'll head to the right (west), stopping at a rocky outcropping to see lupines and poppies up close, and San Bruno Mountain in the distance. Further along we will pass one of the last stands, or perhaps the last stand, of a native plant called
Islais cherry.
We'll picnic on a grassy field close to a
WPA staircase and an old snag where hawks hang out (bring your own water and food, and
maybe something to share). A picnic blanket or sheet is recommended.
Hope you can make it, and feel welcome to invite others, including people without kids,
especially older folks. The more, the merrier! Email for questions or my cell.
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