The group of us--some regulars to these Hill Babies group hikes, others new--met up on the cliffs above Fort Funston in San Francisco, June 15, 2014.
We took the Step Ladder Trail to Ocean Beach, passing under hang gliders and faint clouds, and picnicked on the sand. Some left after playing and eating, but a group of us continued on to complete the Low Tide Loop.
The water licked at our heels, the tide coming in, kids screeching with happiness, giddy at the constant motion of water and wind. Dogs leapt through the surf, chasing birds and balls. Babies laughed, kids clambered up sand slopes, and parents just enjoyed being outside on one great day with no real agenda but wandering around.
A great place for a hike |
Kids on the scree slope |
Bare footin it |
Sea foam on Ocean Beach |
Two dads |
Two more dads |
Waving arms, walking big |
The excitement of escaping the oncoming tide |
The noble dog |
Nature slide |
Good people, all |